右边 For sale: Built in Japan in 1990 , 8,000 tons of chemical tanker , stainless steel,船舶交易,船舶买卖,中国船舶交易网,搜船号 - Powered by Discuz!
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For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel

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普磊楼主 发表于 2024-7-5 16:00:01 | 查看全部 阅读模式
  • 船舶分类:油船 
  • 油船:化学品船 
  • 主机功率:待更新... KW
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百度一下:For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oi,船舶生意业务,油船,化教品船:For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oil tank出卖90年日本制8000吨没有锈钢化教品油船,106.5米少18.2米宽9.6米型深,单舱单泵 14个100坐圆米/小时货泵。主机赤坂4200马力,带减热体系。Tel:0086-13685096458郭司理【祸安鸿诚船舶商业有限公司】专业谋划两脚船舶生意生意业务、船舶评价、船舶建制、船舶生意收支心生意业务一 https://ship.soship.com/show/40334/

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For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oil tank
出卖90年日本制8000吨没有锈钢化教品油船,106.5米少18.2米宽9.6米型深,单舱单泵 14个100坐圆米/小时货泵。主机赤坂4200马力,带减热体系。
专业谋划两脚船舶生意生意业务、船舶评价、船舶建制、船舶生意收支心生意业务一站式效劳。祸安鸿诚船舶商业有限公司 For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oi 祸建 宁德市

For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel-2.jpg

船舶生意、船舶生意业务、船舶出卖:兴钢价(716万) 出卖10000吨干货船 单底单壳构造/ 2005年9月浙江台州制作,船舶生意业务,集货船,集货船
兴钢价(716万) 出卖10000吨干货船 单底单壳构造/ 2005年9月浙江台州制作 - 出卖两艘3680吨散拆箱船

原文作者:ing="0" class="t_table" >
百度一下:For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oi,船舶交易,油船,化学品船:For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oil tank出售90年日本造8000吨不锈钢化学品油船,106.5米长18.2米宽9.6米型深,单舱单泵 14个100立方米/小时货泵。主机赤坂4200马力,带加热系统。Tel:0086-13685096458郭经理【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司】专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一 https://ship.soship.com/show/40334/

微信扫一下 用【搜船】小程序查看更快捷

For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oil tank
出售90年日本造8000吨不锈钢化学品油船,106.5米长18.2米宽9.6米型深,单舱单泵 14个100立方米/小时货泵。主机赤坂4200马力,带加热系统。
专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一站式服务。福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司 For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel structure in the oi 福建 宁德市

For sale: Built in Japan in 1990, 8,000 tons of chemical tanker, stainless steel-2.jpg

船舶买卖、船舶交易、船舶出售:废钢价(716万) 出售10000吨干货船 双底双壳结构/ 2005年9月浙江台州建造,船舶交易,散货船,散货船
废钢价(716万) 出售10000吨干货船 双底双壳结构/ 2005年9月浙江台州建造 - 出售两艘3680吨集装箱船

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