右边 For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker , built in Zhejiang , China in 2005,,船舶交易,船舶买卖,中国船舶交易网,搜船号 - Powered by Discuz!
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For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005,

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普磊楼主 发表于 2024-7-5 15:46:37 | 查看全部 阅读模式
  • 船舶分类:油船 
  • 油船:化学品船 
  • 主机功率:待更新... KW
  • 建造年份:待更新...
  • 航区:待更新...
  • 标箱容量:待更新...
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百度一下:For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005,,船舶生意业务,油船,化教品船:For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, suitable for foreign trade export.Double bottom double shell, main engine Zi 8300It has been maintained and is suitable for foreign trade export.Tel:+8613685096458郭司理【祸安鸿诚船舶商业有 https://ship.soship.com/show/40349/

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For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, suitable for foreign trade export.
Double bottom double shell, main engine Zi 8300
It has been maintained and is suitable for foreign trade export.
专业谋划两脚船舶生意生意业务、船舶评价、船舶建制、船舶生意收支心生意业务一站式效劳。祸安鸿诚船舶商业有限公司 For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, 祸建 宁德市

For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005,-2.jpg

出卖12000吨集货船 - 出卖2016年7300吨单壳集货船

原文作者:ing="0" class="t_table" >
百度一下:For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005,,船舶交易,油船,化学品船:For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, suitable for foreign trade export.Double bottom double shell, main engine Zi 8300It has been maintained and is suitable for foreign trade export.Tel:+8613685096458郭经理【福安鸿诚船舶贸易有 https://ship.soship.com/show/40349/

微信扫一下 用【搜船】小程序查看更快捷

For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, suitable for foreign trade export.
Double bottom double shell, main engine Zi 8300
It has been maintained and is suitable for foreign trade export.
专业经营二手船舶买卖交易、船舶评估、船舶修造、船舶买卖进出口交易一站式服务。福安鸿诚船舶贸易有限公司 For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005, 福建 宁德市

For sale: 2,200 tons of chemical oil tanker, built in Zhejiang, China in 2005,-2.jpg

出售12000吨散货船 - 出售2016年7300吨双壳散货船

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