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普通客船价格 客船 上海

  • 船舶分类:客轮 
  • 客轮:客渡船 
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百度一下:通俗客船价钱 客船,船舶生意业务,客轮,客渡船:船 名:YIva载重吨:总 吨:94少 度:26.54深 度:宽 度:6.09吃 火:2.50航 速:12挂 旗:瑞典马 力:543制作厂e Haan & Oerlemaan, Hau https://ship.soship.com/show/2475/

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船 名:YIva载重吨:总 吨:94少 度:26.54深 度:宽 度:6.09吃 火:2.50航 速:12挂 旗:瑞典马 力:543制作厂e Haan & Oerlemaan, Hausclen制作年份:1951可交船日期:随时进 级:瑞典报 价:SEK1,5M地域:上海 虹心区 Type of vessel: Ice-breaking passenger ship.
Built: 1951, De Haan & Oerlemaan, Hausclen, The Netherlands.
Material: Steel.
Length: 26.54 meters loa (23.20 m i free-board).
Beam: 6.09 meters.
Draft: about 2.50 meters (moulded draft: 2.65 m).
Tonnage: 94 GT, 28 NT.
Displacement: about 100 tons.
Main engine: Grenaa 6F 24T, 405 kW/550 rpm. Engine installed new 1973 with about 60.000 total running hours. Variable pitch propeller. Main engine is well maintained and in good condition.
Aux. engine: Perkins/GM Marine Diesel with 15 kVA generator.
Cruising speed: 10-12 knots at 315 rpm on 45-50 litres/hour.Moarref International Marine Company 通俗客船价钱 客船  上海

出卖2006年制4200吨集货船 - 出卖4700吨干货船

原文作者:ing="0" class="t_table" >
百度一下:普通客船价格 客船,船舶交易,客轮,客渡船:船 名:YIva载重吨:总 吨:94长 度:26.54深 度:宽 度:6.09吃 水:2.50航 速:12挂 旗:瑞典马 力:543建造厂e Haan & Oerlemaan, Hau https://ship.soship.com/show/2475/

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船 名:YIva载重吨:总 吨:94长 度:26.54深 度:宽 度:6.09吃 水:2.50航 速:12挂 旗:瑞典马 力:543建造厂e Haan & Oerlemaan, Hausclen建造年份:1951可交船日期:随时入 级:瑞典报 价:SEK1,5M地区:上海 虹口区 Type of vessel: Ice-breaking passenger ship.
Built: 1951, De Haan & Oerlemaan, Hausclen, The Netherlands.
Material: Steel.
Length: 26.54 meters loa (23.20 m i free-board).
Beam: 6.09 meters.
Draft: about 2.50 meters (moulded draft: 2.65 m).
Tonnage: 94 GT, 28 NT.
Displacement: about 100 tons.
Main engine: Grenaa 6F 24T, 405 kW/550 rpm. Engine installed new 1973 with about 60.000 total running hours. Variable pitch propeller. Main engine is well maintained and in good condition.
Aux. engine: Perkins/GM Marine Diesel with 15 kVA generator.
Cruising speed: 10-12 knots at 315 rpm on 45-50 litres/hour.Moarref International Marine Company 普通客船价格 客船  上海

出售2006年造4200吨散货船 - 出售4700吨干货船

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