右边 橡皮艇、运动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气艇 山东 青岛市,船舶交易,船舶买卖,中国船舶交易网,搜船号 - Powered by Discuz!

橡皮艇、运动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气艇 山东 青岛市

  • 船舶分类:游艇 
  • 游艇:运动游艇 
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百度一下:橡皮艇、活动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气鼓鼓艇,船舶生意业务,游艇,活动快艇:船 名:Stoneyacht载重吨:总 吨:少 度:深 度:宽 度:吃 火:航 速:挂 旗:马 力:制作厂:制作年份:可交船日期:随时进 级:报 价:地域: https://ship.soship.com/show/14321/

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船 名:Stoneyacht载重吨:总 吨:少 度:深 度:宽 度:吃 火:航 速:挂 旗:马 力:制作厂:制作年份:可交船日期:随时进 级:报 价:地域:山东 青岛市 青岛四通游艇有限公司坐落于漂亮的奥帆基天-青岛,是一家散设想、研收、消费、贩卖为一体的专业充气鼓鼓式游艇产销公司。公司气力薄弱,手艺一流,经由过程不停立异取革新,推出了高等玻璃钢中壳、活动、漂泊、垂钓等系列,合计30多个种类,产物外型雅观、设想新奇、做工讲求、量量牢靠、宁静机能均到达欧盟CE的各项请求,可用于游艇角逐、戚忙文娱、海上垂钓、抗洪救灾、火上巡查、火上救济等多种止业取范畴。
Qingdao Stone Yacht Co.,LTD is a integrated company specialized in designing,researching,producing and selling.We can offer the fiberglass bottom shell series,sport series,drifing series,fishing series and so on,in total more than 30 varieties.the modelling is artistic ,the work is fastidious and the qualiity is reliable.The security conforms to Europen Union CE Standard Completely.Our product could to be used to yacht competition,leisure entertanment,the floor?flighting disaster relief,aquatic work,river patrolling and so on many professions and domain.
Our company acts motor,GPS,radar,life jacket and so on,which are famous marine apparatus in home and abroad.
With high strength polyester fiber from South Korea to build our yacht,this kind of fabric surface are used 1000 denier of interweave polyester fiber with two?sided PVC coating.The material is very strong to prevent from water,oil and sunlight illumination,which is one kind of high Air?tightness and strongly bears aged material and It is approved by the worldwide yacht industries at present to be widely applied.
Light the passion, share the dream! The company for its unique business philosophy and developing thought keeps making progress. We are based on the reality and look to the future, we are full of confidence and look forward to your sincere cooperation!青岛四通游艇有限公司 橡皮艇、活动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气鼓鼓艇 山东 青岛市

出卖2019年制5150吨集货船 - 出卖2450吨干货船

原文作者:ing="0" class="t_table" >
百度一下:橡皮艇、运动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气艇,船舶交易,游艇,运动快艇:船 名:Stoneyacht载重吨:总 吨:长 度:深 度:宽 度:吃 水:航 速:挂 旗:马 力:建造厂:建造年份:可交船日期:随时入 级:报 价:地区: https://ship.soship.com/show/14321/

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船 名:Stoneyacht载重吨:总 吨:长 度:深 度:宽 度:吃 水:航 速:挂 旗:马 力:建造厂:建造年份:可交船日期:随时入 级:报 价:地区:山东 青岛市 青岛四通游艇有限公司座落于美丽的奥帆基地-青岛,是一家集设计、研发、生产、销售为一体的专业充气式游艇产销公司。公司实力雄厚,技术一流,通过不断创新与改革,推出了高档玻璃钢外壳、运动、漂流、钓鱼等系列,总计30多个品种,产品造型美观、设计新颖、做工讲究、质量可靠、安全性能均达到欧盟CE的各项要求,可用于游艇比赛、休闲娱乐、海上垂钓、抗洪救灾、水上巡逻、水上救援等多种行业与领域。
Qingdao Stone Yacht Co.,LTD is a integrated company specialized in designing,researching,producing and selling.We can offer the fiberglass bottom shell series,sport series,drifing series,fishing series and so on,in total more than 30 varieties.the modelling is artistic ,the work is fastidious and the qualiity is reliable.The security conforms to Europen Union CE Standard Completely.Our product could to be used to yacht competition,leisure entertanment,the floor?flighting disaster relief,aquatic work,river patrolling and so on many professions and domain.
Our company acts motor,GPS,radar,life jacket and so on,which are famous marine apparatus in home and abroad.
With high strength polyester fiber from South Korea to build our yacht,this kind of fabric surface are used 1000 denier of interweave polyester fiber with two?sided PVC coating.The material is very strong to prevent from water,oil and sunlight illumination,which is one kind of high Air?tightness and strongly bears aged material and It is approved by the worldwide yacht industries at present to be widely applied.
Light the passion, share the dream! The company for its unique business philosophy and developing thought keeps making progress. We are based on the reality and look to the future, we are full of confidence and look forward to your sincere cooperation!青岛四通游艇有限公司 橡皮艇、运动艇、军用艇、冲锋艇、充气艇 山东 青岛市

出售2019年造5150吨散货船 - 出售2450吨干货船

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